Teodor Detchev: Azerbaijan has become a primary supplier of natural gas and one of the pillars of energy security in Bulgaria

Kamil Makhmudov

Interview with Teodor Detchev Ph.D., associate professor at the Higher School of Security and Economics (HSSE) in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, head of the Laboratory on the Problems of the Black Sea and Caspian Region

How do you assess the level of Azerbaijani-Bulgarian relations?

Europe immediately needs Southern Gas Corridor’s expansion


Since the start of the year, wholesale gas prices in Europe have risen by 250 percent. The record-high prices in Europe are driven by increased demand (due to the wider economic recovery and weather-related factors), competition with Asia for LNG, and a limited supply response from Gazprom, Europe’s largest supplier, providing about a third of Europe’s gas. The current gas supply crunch in Europe once again showed the importance of diversification of gas supply routes and sources.

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