Trans-Caspian pipeline: Azerbaijan signals readiness, Turkmenistan, Europe need to act fast – ex-US ambassador


Amid global economic instability, Azerbaijan’s mitigating role in energy crisis is rapidly increasing. With Azerbaijan and the EU agreeing on doubling the supplies of Azerbaijani gas by 2027, the country’s gas exports to Europe are expected to be 20 bcm, while this year at least 11.6 bcm is planned to be supplied. Moreover, Azerbaijan’s total gas exports this year are expected at 24 bcm.

IGB reveals volume of gas transportation in 2022


Around 4.875 million megawatt hours were transported through the Greece-Bulgaria gas pipeline (IGB) for the period October 1 - December 31, 2022, the ICGB, the pipeline operator, told Trend.

“In December, just months after the pipeline entered commercial operation, IGB’s capacity reached over 94 percent booking rate. By the end of 2022, there are 11 registered users of the interconnector,” said the company.

Azerbaijani gas saves Italy, ISPI says


The Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) has saved Italy from deindustrialization, Matteo Villa, Head of the Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) DataLab, said, Trend reports.

"For Italy, 2022 was an important year in terms of diversification. We have the TAP, which, in 2021, saved us all. We have worked as much as possible to keep close to suppliers such as Algeria, and Azerbaijan as well as diversifying," he said.

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