Teodor Detchev: Azerbaijan has become a primary supplier of natural gas and one of the pillars of energy security in Bulgaria

Kamil Makhmudov

Interview with Teodor Detchev Ph.D., associate professor at the Higher School of Security and Economics (HSSE) in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, head of the Laboratory on the Problems of the Black Sea and Caspian Region

How do you assess the level of Azerbaijani-Bulgarian relations?

Teodor Detchev: There are five reasons why Azerbaijan is valuable for Europe

Nicoleta Rilska

In Azerbaijan, the regime is liberalized in proportion to the quantities of gas that have to travel to Europe – there is an obvious correlation and it is positive. The country is valuable to Europe for five reasons. These are:

- natural gas;

- Azerbaijan's huge potential to produce green energy to be imported to Europe - Azerbaijan has the ability to produce wind energy around the clock;

There will be as many Rammstein-format meetings as there are months of war


This conversation was uploaded by the team of the show "Discussion Studio" on SCAT TV with the title:

NATO is deliberately delaying arms supplies to Ukraine. Is it? Why are Scholz and Macron talking to Putin?
What I have said on the subject is easiest to be seen by watching the talk show, but here I would like to emphasize a few things: