
In Georgia, police used rubber bullets against protesters near the parliament building

Ingilab Mammadov

Police used rubber bullets against protesters protesting against the foreign agents bill outside the parliament building in Tbilisi.

As Trend reports, several people were injured.

It should be noted that yesterday the Georgian parliament at a plenary session supported the bill “On Transparency of Foreign Influence” in the second reading. 83 deputies voted for the bill, 23 against.

Georgia adopts draft law “On transparency of foreign influence” in first reading

Rana Abdurahmanova

The Georgian Parliament has adopted the draft law "On transparency of foreign influence" in its first reading, Trend reports.

According to the information, 83 MPs voted in favor of the bill. Deputies from the opposition factions left the session hall.

The bill stipulates that NGOs and media funded from abroad should be registered in a special register and fill out an annual declaration.

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