"Cotton Campaign" coalition to assess cotton harvest results in Uzbekistan


Representatives of the international Cotton Campaign coalition will be visiting Uzbekistan for assessing the results of the 2019 cotton harvest in the country, Trend reported via Uzbek media.

The Cotton Campaign is a global coalition of human rights, labor, investor and business organizations dedicated to eradicating child labor and forced labor in cotton production of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan remains China's most important gas supplier


From December 2009 to December 2019, from Central Asia, mainly from Turkmenistan, to China were delivered 294.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas, “Trend.az” reports, citing an information of the “Xinhua” news agency from the 6-th of January, 2020.

The “Xinhua” news agency cites data from the “PetroChina West Pipeline Company”. Turkmen gas operations have benefited more than 500 million people in 27 provincial-level administrative units, as well as in the Special Administrative Region of Xianggang, the release said.

The first meeting of the interagency Working Group on the organization of systemic interaction with the Cotton Campaign coalition took place


On 30 December  2019, under the leadership of the Minister of Investments and Foreign Trade Sardor Umurzakov (until his appointment as Minister of Foreign Trade at the end of January 2019, Sardor Umurzakov led the Leather, Footwear and Fur Goods Association in Uzbekistan – “Uzcharmsanoat”), the first meeting of the interdepartmental working group to coordinate work related to the organization of constant, systemic interaction with the Cotton Campaign coalition, human rights organizations and industry associations of the United States.

Ashgabat hosts multilateral consultations on UN special program on Aral Sea


Ashgabat city hosted multilateral consultations on the development of a UN Special Program for the Aral Sea Basin (UN SPAS), Trend reports Dec. 19 with reference to the Turkmen Foreign Ministry.

The event was held in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly 73/297 dated May 28, 2019, as well as in accordance with the decisions of the Council of Heads of the Founding States of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) dated Aug. 24, 2018.

World Bank inks agreement with IFAS in Ashgabat

Huseyn Hasanov / Trend.az

The World Bank and the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) signed an agreement in Ashgabat on Additional Financing of the Project for the Modernization of Hydrometeorological Services in Central Asia, Trend reports referring to the Turkmen Foreign Affairs Ministry.

Turkmenistan presides over IFAS and is involved in the development of the fourth “Program for Assisting the Aral Sea Basin Countries” (ASBP-4).

Baku and Tashkent are deepening their military co-operation


The Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov met with the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Bahodir Kurbanov. Minister Kurbanov is visiting Azerbaijan in connection with his participation in the next session of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the CIS member countries.

International Finance Corporation: Eurobonds discipline the government of Udbekistan on macroeconomics


Uzbekistan will use Eurobonds as a tool for positioning and valuing the country on the international market, said the head of the International Finance Corporation's representative agncy in Tashkent, Zafar Khashimov, at the presentation of the report on the diagnosis of the private sector in Uzbekistan on February 18, 2019.

Zafar Khashimov: "Bond Issue is a Very Important Step for Uzbekistan"


Korzinka.uz founder - Zafar Khashimov, comments on the statement of investment adviser Rainer Michael Price that after issuing Eurobonds, Uzbekistan may be in crisis in emerging markets.

The entrepreneur called this “utter nonsense” and noted that bonds for $ 300 million and even several times more, could do nothing for the Uzbek economy in either a positive or a negative direction.

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