European Commission urges for accelerating IGB’s launch


The European Commission encourages all parties concerned to accelerate necessary steps to launch the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) as soon as possible, a European Commission spokesperson told Trend, as it received a letter from Romania’s former energy minister.

Romania’s former energy minister Razvan Nicolescu has sent a letter to the EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson, asking to take measures to speed up the launch of the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria, which is aimed at transporting Azerbaijani gas.

IGB connected to the national gas transmission network of Bulgaria


The interconnector with Greece is already successfully connected to the national and transit gas transmission network, as well as to neighboring transmission operators, ensuring the physical transmission of gas. The connection of the infrastructure of the two independent transmission operators for Bulgaria - ICGB and Bulgartransgaz - was carried out near Stara Zagora in the period August 16-17. The process is completed with three gold welds.

The strike on Crimea was expected and lawful. Unexpectedly, it turned out that in response Russia for the first time sadly folded its tail


The first bombardment over the Crimea was spectacularly successful. She told all about [the Russian Federation's] pierced air defenses. The bombing turned out to be something like that too – extremely calm, almost friendly.

In Novofedorovka, it turned out to be a hellish casserole of fighters with garnishes from the air force and their warehouses. Ukraine is a very polite country. She could not help but congratulate Russia on the Day of its Air Force. This was expected and natural.

ICGB introduces a new management model as an independent natural gas transmission operator


ICGB introduces a new management model in response to the requirements to transform the project company into an independent transmission operator. After the General Meeting of Shareholders (BEH and IGI Poseidon) was held, a new Statute of the company was adopted. The changes are part of ICGB's obligations under the company's certification by the national energy regulators of Greece and Bulgaria, which was announced earlier in July.

The ICGB company: All the main activities for the construction of the gas connection with Greece have been completed


The ICGB company, which is developing the gas interconnection project between Greece and Bulgaria, has submitted to the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works an updated proposal for the introduction of phasing of the remaining activities until the start of commercial operation of the facility.

Hobby workshops for "working girls"


Art therapy through ceramics, knitting and textiles brings together working ladies with a hobby for handicrafts. With the skillful guidance of master trainers Veselin and Dolya Andreevi, Elena Ganeva, Svetla Dimitrova and Yagodinka Lazarova, the ladies create their "masterpieces" from clay, yarns and textiles.

The workshops are organized by "Support for debut", under a project supported by the "Amateur Creativity" Program of the NFK.

„Темп огня – 1100 выстрелов в минуту“. ОК „ЮГ“ показало возможности первых немецких зенитных самоходных артиллерийских установок „Gepard“


Оперативное командование "Юг" сообщило в Facebook о поступлении первых трех зенитных самоходных артиллерийских установок Gepard. Военные разместили видео с обзором возможностей современного оружия, полученного Вооруженными силами Украины.

Установки базируются на шасси танка Leopard 1, говорится в сообщении. На башне установлены две 35 мм пушки Oerlikon KDA и два радара, фиксирующих цель на расстоянии до 15 км.

The Middle Corridor may become more competitive compared to the Northern Corridor


The Middle Corridor may become more competitive compared to the Northern Corridor.

This is what Iain Rawlinson, commercial director of the company “APM Terminals Poti”, which manages the Georgian port of Poti, told “Trend”.

„Therefore, to make the Middle Corridor remain competitive when the hostilities in Ukraine end and the situation in the region normalizes, it will need its exceptional efficiency in creating transparent rail and sea transport links“, he said.

Serbia expects to receive Azerbaijani gas in the near future


Azerbaijan is becoming an increasingly important player in the European energy market.
This is what the former president of Serbia, Boris Tadic, said in an exclusive interview for

“Today, Azerbaijan is becoming a significantly more valuable energy partner. With the construction of TAP and TANAP, Azerbaijan will play a significantly more important role in the future”, Tadic said.

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