The doubling of Azerbaijani gas supplies to the EU is truly a landmark event


The visit of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and the signing of the memorandum on doubling the supply of Azerbaijani natural gas to Europe is truly a landmark event.

As Mark Twain once said, "History never repeats itself, but it often rhymes".

Azerbaijan, European Union sign MoU on Strategic Partnership in field of energy


A Memorandum of Understanding on Strategic Partnership in the field of energy between the European Union represented by the European Commission and the Republic of Azerbaijan" has been signed between Azerbaijan and the European Union.

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen inked the document.


The ICGB received the final joint certification decision as an independent transmission operator


The project company ICGB received the final joint certification decision as an independent transmission operator. It was handed to the two executive directors Teodora Georgieva and Konstantinos Karayanakos by the chairmen of the national energy regulators of Bulgaria and Greece KEVR and RAE - Stanislav Todorov and Athanasios Dagoumas.

A Green School for a Green Future


What you see in the pictures is a Green School - the art for a Green Future.

Eighth-graders and teachers from 31 SUCHEM "Ivan Vazov", Sofia, create in Atelier "Support" in the village of Lokorsko.

A wonderful initiative of the "Support for Debut" association and the management of 31 secondary schools with foreign language and management learning "Ivan Vazov", Sofia.

Podoliak said that "Pryamiy", "Espresso" and "Channel 5" were taken off the air because they broadcast a "very narcissistic" person


In an interview with, published on May 30, 2022, the adviser to the head of the Office of the President Mikhail Podolyak said that the exclusion from the air of the channels "Direct", "Espresso" and "Channel 5" is a matter of unified information policy during war”. Asking the reasons for such a step, the interviewing journalist noted that these channels were "loyal" to the fifth president of Ukraine and currently MP and member of the “European Solidarity” party, Petro Poroshenko.

There will be as many Rammstein-format meetings as there are months of war


This conversation was uploaded by the team of the show "Discussion Studio" on SCAT TV with the title:

NATO is deliberately delaying arms supplies to Ukraine. Is it? Why are Scholz and Macron talking to Putin?
What I have said on the subject is easiest to be seen by watching the talk show, but here I would like to emphasize a few things:

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