Strange, inexplicable people. Why don't they like the snow, as they say? Here, they like "Crimea - ours", they like "Syria - ours", they like "Donbass - ours", they like all kinds of fighters, anti-aircraft guns, bombs and missiles, and they don't like the snow.
In Peter (the colloquial name of St. Petersburg among the city's residents), the hysteria over the snow continues.
Strange, inexplicable people. Why don't they like the snow, as they say? Here, they like "Crimea - ours", they like "Syria - ours", they like "Donbass - ours", they like all kinds of fighters, anti-aircraft guns, bombs and missiles, and they don't like the snow.
Don't see the relationship? They don't understand what insanely expensive games the state is playing.
I can say that it was easy to understand that all or almost all of the snow-removal equipment has flown long ago to bomb Syria and Ukraine.
Source: https://gordonua.com/blogs/aleksandr-nevzorov/vsya-snegouborochnaya-teh…