Germany and France are for the inclusion of the IRGC in the list of terrorist organizations in the EU


Germany and France support the idea of including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, elite units of Iran's army, literally “Army of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution”, also called “Sepah” or “Pasdaran”, ) on the list of terrorist organizations. This was reported by the British newspaper "Financial Times" on Sunday evening, citing sources familiar with the progress of discussions on this matter.

Ability to work online to further increase number of women in innovation sector – minister


The ability to work online will further increase the number of women in the innovation sector, Minister of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan Rashad Nabiyev said during an event dedicated to the STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math] festival, Trend reports.

“Women specialists will play a big role in the further development of not only the economy, but also various other sectors of activity," he noted.

Axpo sells its 5% stake in TAP to Fluxys and Enagás


Axpo has agreed the sale of its 5% stake in the Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) to TAP shareholders Fluxys and Enagás S.A, it was announced today, Trend reports via the company.

Under the sale and purchase agreement, Belgium’s Fluxys will acquire 1% and Spain’s Enagás 4% of Axpo’s 5% equity stake. Both companies will thus reach 20% ownership of TAP, which includes UK shareholder bp (20%), Azerbaijan’s SOCAR (20%), and Italy’s Snam (20%).

Iran gives provocative “warning” to Azerbaijan before attacking embassy in Tehran


As tensions between the two countries have been escalating, just a while ago, Iran "warned" that, if Azerbaijan takes any steps against the Islamic Republic, it will receive a "decisive reaction".

"The Republic of Azerbaijan should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a powerful country in the region, will never allow its borders to be endangered," Brigadier General Alireza Taneh of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of the Iranian Armed Forces said.

Azercosmos to provide countries of Central and East Africa with satellite internet


An agreement on long-term cooperation has been signed between Azercosmos OJSC and the Kenyan CommCarrier company, Trend reports via the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan.

The CommCarrier will serve its partners in the Central and East Africa region in the Ku band [primarily used for satellite communications] of the Azerspace-2 satellite.

FMs of Azerbaijan and Iran meet


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov has met with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian on the sidelines of the 26th meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijani FM wrote on his Twitter page.

According to the publication, regional and other issues of mutual interest were discussed at the meeting.

Vyacheslav Volodin has proposed to the Speaker of the Mejlis of Iran to participate in a conference on the fight against terrorism


The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation - Vyacheslav Volodin has invited the Chairman of the Assembly of the Islamic Council of Iran (Majlis) - Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf to take part in a conference of Speakers of Parliaments on countering terrorism and strengthening regional cooperation, which will be held in April in Moscow, reports TASS.

Azerbaijan, Andorra to sign memorandum within development framework of winter tourism


Azerbaijan and Andorra discussed arrangements for signing the memorandum of understanding between institutions for the development of winter tourism, Trend reports citing the State Tourism Agency of Azerbaijan.

This issue was addressed during the working visit of the agency's Chairman Fuad Naghiyev to Spain and Andorra.

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