Postal service between Turkmenistan, Canada resumes


Canada Post Corporation has resumed international mail service with Turkmenistan, Canada Post reports.

In addition to Turkmenistan, postal communication has also been resumed with a number of other countries, the report said.

Besides Canada, a number of other countries have already resumed international postal communication with Turkmenistan.

Earlier, the Moldova Post also resumed receiving international mail to Turkmenistan with Turkmenistan.

The investor has completed the construction of a 10 MW SPP in the Kyzylorda region


The construction of a 10 MW solar power plant in Zhanakorgan district of Kyzylorda region has been completed, the press service of the Ministry of Energy reports.

The project was implemented by Hek-Kt LLP, a subsidiary of the Russian company "Hevel".

High-efficiency solar modules with a solar tracking system are installed on the SPP. This system allows you to increase the power generation by an average 20-25% in comparison with the static method of arrangement of the photovoltaic system.

EBRD supports food and beverage manufacturer Avrora in Azerbaijan


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is strengthening Azerbaijan’s agribusiness sector with a €25 million loan to Avrora LLC, a leading producer of pasta, confectionery, soft drinks and flour products, Trend reports citing EBRD.

The loan will be provided in Azerbaijani manat in two equal tranches. The first tranche will be used to finance a new pasta production line. The second will be used for the acquisition of new equipment for the production of biscuits, cakes and animal feed.

EBRD will help Kazakhstan achieve carbon neutrality by 2060


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Kazakhstan have agreed to develop a long-term cooperation strategy to achieve carbon neutrality of the country’s power sector by 2060. The accord will further cement Kazakhstan's status as a regional renewable energy leader in Central Asia.

The roadmap for the decarbonisation strategy was signed by Kazakhstan’s Minister of Energy Nurlan Nogayev and by EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso on March 31st, 2021, during her first visit to Central Asia’s largest state.

World Bank ready to support Azerbaijan in implementation of economic reforms


Chairman of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) Elman Rustamov met with World Bank (WB) Regional Director for South Caucasus Sebastian Molineus, Trend reports on March 31 with reference to the CBA.

WB Country Manager for Azerbaijan Sarah Michael also took part in the meeting.

Rustamov stressed the importance of long-term cooperation with the WB in the field of socio-economic development of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan to expand further co-op with US venture fund


Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovation (ASAN Service) under the President of Azerbaijan Ulvi Mehdiyev met with the regional director of 500 Startups Arianna Dilts, the Innovation Center told Trend.

The parties discussed the measures taken by the ASAN Service towards the creation of an infrastructure and innovation ecosystem in Azerbaijan.

Besides, issues related to the phased implementation of the Azerbaijan 500 ASAN Startup Program were discussed.

Interconnector Greece – Bulgaria receives first installment under OPIC


ICGB was granted the first major instalment from the approved financing under the Operational Program Innovation and Competitiveness (OPIC). EUR 28 499 999 were transferred to the project company for the implementation of the interconnector Greece-Bulgaria following a through compliance check of the tender procedure related to the line pipe production and delivery and subsequent review of the documentation related to the execution of the contract.

Economy minister names goals of Azerbaijan’s joining Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution


Azerbaijan joined the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network, Trend reports on March 30 referring to Azerbaijani Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov’s message on Twitter.

“The aim is to take the full advantage of the opportunities offered by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as to assume place among this field’s leading countries”, Jabbarov tweeted.

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