First Iranian COVID-19 vaccine starts clinical trial


Phase 2 and 3 of clinical trial for the first Iranian coronavirus vaccine, COVIran Barakat, began on Monday with two voluntary receivers.

Moradvand, cardiologist, and Rasoulinejad, infectious disease specialist, are the two lecturers of Tehran University Medical Sciences who volunteered to receive the vaccine to begin phase 2 and 3 of its clinical trial.

Turkmenistan to organize international forum of its oil, gas sector

Джейла Алиева

An international forum on attracting investments in the country's oil and gas sector will be organized in Turkmenistan, Trend reports with reference to the Business Turkmenistan information portal.

The forum will be held on May 12-13, 2021 in Ashgabat, and it will discuss global and regional trends in the development of the fuel and energy sector, the implementation of regional projects in this area, including the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline.

Turkmenistan ratifies Memorandum with Azerbaijan on „Dostluq” field


At a meeting held today, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan adopted a Resolution „On the ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on joint exploration, development and development of hydrocarbon resources of the Dostluq field in the Caspian Sea”, reports „Turkmenportal”.

The Dostluq field, the reserves of which, according to experts, are estimated at 50 million tons of oil, has been considered controversial for many years.

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan reach agreement on drilling wells with “Satti” jack-up rig


Kazakhstan’s KMG Drilling & Services and Azerbaijan’s Caspian Drilling Company signed an agreement on drilling wells with the Kazakh “Satti” jack-up rig in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, Trend reports citing the Kazakh Sovereign Wealth Fund, NWF Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

German companies eye “green economy” development projects in Kazakhstan


German companies considering the prospects for the development of the „green economy“ in Kazakhstan, reports the press office of Kazakhstan’s government.

The topic was discussed during the online meeting of Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Roman Sklyar and the heads of German companies. During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of cooperation in development of the „green economy“, decarbonization, processing of raw materials, and the hydrogen economy.

BP, Azerbaijan to co-op on decarbonization of energy, mobility systems


The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and bp today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate in assessing the potential and conditions required for large-scale decarbonized and integrated energy and mobility systems, including renewable energy projects in the regions and cities of Azerbaijan, Trend reports citing bp.

France’s Greater East region is interested in the restoration of the Aral Sea


At a meeting in Strasbourg, the First Deputy Chairman of the Greater East Regional Council (France) Jean-Luc Bol expressed interest in developing comprehensive multifaceted cooperation with Kazakhstan. This was reported by MIA “Kazinform” with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council Big East (France) Jean-Luc Bol expressed interest in the development of comprehensive multifaceted cooperation with Kazakhstan.

Georgia and Korea sign agreement on air traffic


Georgia and Korea have signed an agreement on air traffic, according to which Georgian airlines will be able to operate regular flights to and from Korea's largest international airports, while Korean airlines will be able to operate regular flights at Georgian airports, announces the Ministry of Economy of Georgia.

The air traffic agreement lays the ground for a legislative framework to launch direct regular flights between the two countries, deepen trade and economic relations and develop tourism.

The first meeting of the trilateral working group co-chaired by deputy prime ministers of the Republic Od Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia and Russian Federation took place


In pursuance of the 11 January 2021 Statement by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation, on 30 January 2021 Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev, Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Overchuk held the first meeting of the trilateral working group in Moscow.

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