Azercosmos launches Azconnexus Satellite Internet Service


Azercosmos launches a new service – Azconnexus satellite internet service to provide high quality and secure satellite internet connection for businesses in Azerbaijan.

Azconnexus delivers uninterrupted, secure, and high-quality broadband services via Azercosmos’ telecommunication satellite Azerspace-1. This multi-service platform supports different traffic types including but not limited to video, audio, data, voice, and datacasting, allowing users to enjoy high-quality internet connectivity.

Azerbaijani Energy Ministry, IFC sign Memorandum of Understanding on offshore wind energy


A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Azerbaijani Ministry of Energy and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, on cooperation in the use of offshore wind energy for the development of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan, Trend reports citing the ministry.

NATO partners appreciate significant contribution that Georgia making to global security


Georgia remains committed to its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, said Georgian Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani, Georgian media report.

He made this remark during the phone conversation with United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the security situation in Georgia and the region.

The Evolution of Human Space Flight

Niall McCarthy

Russia has been commemorating Yuri Gagarin's achievements to mark the 60th anniversary of his historic space flight. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin launched in the Vostok 1 spacecraft from Baikonur Cosmodrome and orbited around the Earth for 108 minutes before safely landing in Southeastern Russia. The flight was a triumph for the Soviet Union, illustrated its technological prowess and kicked off the space age.

First kidney transplant performed in Turkmenistan


A kidney transplant operation was performed for the first time in Turkmenistan. Minister of Health and Medical Industry Nurmuhammet Amannepesov reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the successful operation of domestic specialists.

The patient received a kidney transplant from a close relative. Currently, both the patient and the donor are doing well. Both are under medical supervision, the minister said.

Iran can provide transit route for Uzbekistan to world market


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Islamic Republic of Iran can ease transit route for Uzbekistan to the global markets, reports Mehr.

Speaking to reporters after his meeting with his Uzbek counterpart Abdulaziz Kamilov on Monday, Zarif pointed to the common history between Islamic Republic of Iran and Uzbekistan and stated that historical commonalities between Iran and Uzbekistan will expand and enhance preliminaries of friendship between the two countries to a great extent.

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