Iran Revolutionary Guard Says Country’s First Military Satellite "Successfully Place in Orbit"


Iran's Revolutionary Guard on Wednesday said the country's first military satellite has successfully been placed in orbit.

Sepah News, the news agency of the Revolutionary Guard, on Wednesday morning reported that Noor (light) satellite was launched by Ghased (Messenger) satellite carrier in the early hours of April 22 from a location in the central desert of Iran. According to Sepah News the military satellite is now orbiting 425 kilometers (264 miles) away from the earth.

Ambassador: Azerbaijan’s aid to Iran causes positive response


Allocation of $5 million by the Azerbaijani government to fight the coronavirus in Iran has caused a great positive resonance in the country, Iran’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Javad Jahangirzadeh stated.

According to Jahangirzadeh, Azerbaijan and Iran have more than 750 kilometers of land border, and it is natural that every event affects the relations between the two countries.

Uzbekistan eyes to export textile products to Japanese market


Uzbekistan's officials held negotiations with Masahiro Yagi, the president of Yagiharu Co., Ltd trading company, which were organized via a videoconference, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Tokyo reports.

During the videoconference, the issues of supply of textile products to the Japanese market were discussed alongside options for exporting goods using different types of transportation.

Consecutive Meeting on the Issues of Intensifying Collaboration with the WTO was held in the MFA of Turkmenistan


On April 15, 2020, the successive meeting of the Governmental Commission for studying the issues, connected with the membership of Turkmenistan in the World Trade Organization was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

USAID sends large shipments of food to Uzbekistan


The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), delivered 131,320 kg of food assistance worth almost $400,000 to Uzbekistan. This food assistance will reach more than 35,000 of the most vulnerable Uzbekistani citizens and be distributed through more than 144 health and social protection facilities. This includes facilities that are providing COVID-19 related quarantine services, long-term care to patients with multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB), to orphanages and mental health facilities.

Ensuring goods flow to be future priority for Turkic Council members


Ensuring the flow of goods between members of Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States (Turkic Council) will be a priority in the future, Head of Analysis at PRISM Political Risk Management Ltd Benjamin Godwin stated.

On Apr. 10, 2020, an extraordinary Summit of the Turkic Council was held through videoconferencing. The Summit focused on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Head of EU delegation thanks Azerbaijan for solidarity amid COVID-19


Head of the EU Delegation has thanked Azerbaijan for solidarity amid COVID-19.

“The EU Flag on Heydar Aliyev Centre in Baku is a reflection of the bonds of solidarity and partnership between the EU and Azerbaijan. Stronger together! Sag Ol, Azerbaijan,” Head of the EU Delegation, Ambassador Kestutis Jankauskas said.

Projection of the European Union flag was placed on the Heydar Aliyev Center’s building in Baku, Azerbaijan on April 15.

Georgia supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan


“The Georgian side does not recognize the so called independence of Nagorno Karabakh and therefore does not recognize the 2nd round of the so called presidential elections held in this region of Azerbaijan”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia stated.

“Georgia supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders and supports the peaceful settlement of conflict based on the principles and norms of international law”, declares the MFA statement.

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