As Israeli lawyer, specialist in international law and international politics Mikhail Finkel stated, it is very important that it was Azerbaijan that received congratulations from the three CSTO member countries in connection with the restoration of territorial integrity as a result of the second Karabakh war. This means that despite the fact that Armenia is a member of the CSTO, closeness and partnership with Azerbaijan is placed much higher for these three countries than any other association with Armenia.
Three allies of Armenia in the CSTO congratulated Azerbaijan on the restoration of territorial integrity in the Ashgabat Consensus for Action adopted at the end of the 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization, signed by the heads of state and government of the Organization's member states.
As Israeli lawyer, specialist in international law and international politics Mikhail Finkel stated, it is very important that it was Azerbaijan that received congratulations from the three CSTO member countries in connection with the restoration of territorial integrity as a result of the second Karabakh war. This means that despite the fact that Armenia is a member of the CSTO, closeness and partnership with Azerbaijan is placed much higher for these three countries than any other association with Armenia.
According to Finkel, this especially demonstrates the fact that these three CSTO member countries value Azerbaijan, consider it a close country for themselves, empathize with it and consider it's victory a very important milestone, including for themselves.
„It also shows that these countries are not afraid to damage relations with Armenia at the same time, prioritizing and showing who is who even in the hierarchy of the CSTO countries”, expert said.
He noted that this is a great victory for Azerbaijan both at the diplomatic and international levels, as well as at the economic level.
„Of course, the future of Azerbaijan is all-embracing prosperity on all fronts and an improvement in the situation in the region. And if Armenia does not change its mind and does not make the right decision, does not draw the right conclusion, then it will face an even worse situation than it faces today”, Finkel added.
Source: https://en.trend.az/azerbaijan/politics/3518721.html