Most likely, this is a war of a single man, which in some devilish way has moved from his head to reality.
In all likelihood, in two or three months, Russia's most difficult problem will be choosing a new name for the country. This will not be easy at all. But the existing one nowadays, will become such a terrible stigma that it will probably have to be replaced with something else.
No dictator in the world has been guarded as strongly as Putin. Nevertheless, it is enough to live two or three years in Russia to understand that anything is possible. And nothing can be completely ruled out. The craziest ideas materialize, and the most unthinkable is done.
What will happen next? Well, later it will become clear what is happening in Ukraine. What is it and who needs all this.
Will Shoigu continue to maniacally fertilize the Ukrainian land with [the bodies of Russian] boys and pollute it with burnt equipment, or the whole machine of the slaughterhouse will die down, "suffocate", all the patriotic steam will be released from the cracks and holes, everything will calm down, ten minutes will pass and the hatches of the still-operative tanks will begin to open, and from there will rise the heads and high raised arms of the uninvited guests?
Most likely, this is a war of a single man, which in some devilish way has moved from his head to reality.
Source: YouTube Channel of Alexander Nevzorzov - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kI2B-UUv7A5u3AOUnHNMQ ;
Translation: Teodor Detchev