TAP launches public consultation on Network Code


Between 12 October 2021 and 11 November 2021, Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG is undertaking a public consultation on proposed revisions to the TAP Network Code, Trend reports with reference to TAP AG consortium.

The proposed amendments, the supporting rationale for those amendments and an estimated timeframe for implementation of those amendments are summarised in a Revision Proposal.

Europe immediately needs Southern Gas Corridor’s expansion


Since the start of the year, wholesale gas prices in Europe have risen by 250 percent. The record-high prices in Europe are driven by increased demand (due to the wider economic recovery and weather-related factors), competition with Asia for LNG, and a limited supply response from Gazprom, Europe’s largest supplier, providing about a third of Europe’s gas. The current gas supply crunch in Europe once again showed the importance of diversification of gas supply routes and sources.

Iran urges Azerbaijan to forget illusion of buying security from foreigners


Head of the Foreign Policy Strategic Council Kamal Kharrazi advised the Azeri officials to forget about the illusion of buying security from foreigners and to rely on their own people for maintaining security. This statement was made on October 5-th, 2021.

Kharrazi described relying on foreigner for safeguarding a country as an unwise solution, saying their illegitimate aims and determination will bring about military race and destruction to the region.

We are planning jointly working with EU to expand geography of our gas supplies – Azerbaijani president


We are planning jointly working with the EU to expand the geography of our gas supplies, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said receiving credentials of newly appointed Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Azerbaijan Peter Michalko, Trend reports.

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) “Actau Sea Port” to be expanded


Special Economic Zone “Aktau Sea Port” is set to be expanded, Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Beibut Atamkulov said Tuesday, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Addressing the Government session, Minister Atamkulov said two subzones of the SEZ “Aktau Sea Port” 2 and 4 are to be constructed.
Currently, the SEZ “Aktau Sea Port” consists of nine separate subzones five of which are provided with infrastructure, namely 1, 3, 7, 8 and 9.

“bp” reveals reasons of selling part of SWAP stake to LUKOIL


“bp” has decided to hold a 25 percent equity share in the Shallow Water Absheron Peninsula (SWAP - Shallow Water Absheron Peninsula) project in Azerbaijan with a belief that this will enable the company to evenly distribute its investment potential in Azerbaijan and to redeploy capital to other areas of its business in line with the company’s strategy, bp Azerbaijan stated.

Azerbaijan’s Karabakh Revival Fund negotiating to attract investments in renewable energy sector


Azerbaijan's Karabakh Revival Fund is negotiating to attract investments in the field of renewable energy sources (RES), chairman of the board of the Karabakh Revival Fund Rahman Hajiyev said at the Japan-Azerbaijan investment forum held in Baku, Trend reports.

According to Hajiyev, the Karabakh Revival Fund is developing a special project for this purpose.

Azerbaijan: Iran to Conduct Military Exercises Along Border


What Happened: The Iranian army will conduct exercises along the country’s northwestern border with Azerbaijan starting Oct. 1, Bloomberg reported Sept. 30, citing an Iranian military official. The combined arms exercises will reportedly involve armor, drones, artillery, electronic warfare and helicopter units.

Azerbaijan signs with Turkish companies for ore deposits exploitation


For the purpose of geological exploration and exploitation of the Gashgachay, Elbaydash and Agduzdag ore deposits in Azerbaijan, contracts have been signed with the leading Turkish companies in this field, Eti Bakır A.Ş. and Artvin Maden A.Ş, Trend reports via Azerbaijani Economy Minister Mikayil Jabbarov's Twitter publication.

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