Azerbaijan Discusses potential projects for co-op on renewable energy with EU


Azerbaijan has put forward proposals on potential projects in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency within the European Commission’s document entitled “Recovery, resilience and reform: post 2020 Eastern Partnership priorities”, reports the Azerbaijani Energy Ministry on Nov. 19.

Azerbaijan’s transit opportunities can make it alternative to Suez Canal – Iranian official


Azerbaijan's transit opportunities can make its roads an alternative to the Suez Canal, Director General of the Transit and International Affairs Department of Iran Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization (RMTO) Javad Hedayati stated.

According to the official, Azerbaijan's roads and road infrastructure are at an advanced level. Azerbaijan has invested in this direction and done great work. The Azerbaijani state has taken steps in this direction with a very clear and transparent strategy.

South Korean company ready to organize cotton-textile cluster in Uzbekistan


South Korean Posco International Textile company has expressed its readiness to organize a cotton-textile cluster in Uzbekistan, reports the press service of Uzbek Uztekstilprom Association.

The issue was discussed during the meeting of the company's management with the chairman of the association.
The company will begin work on the implementation of the project by 2022.

The UAE company “Auguste International” F.Z.E. will supply equipment and spare parts for “Turkmengas”


Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed an order on the conclusion of a contract between the Turkmengas State Concern and the UAE Auguste International F.Z.E. for the purchase of technical equipment and spare parts, the “Watan” newscast of the Turkmen television reported on November 17-th, 2021.

The technical equipment and spare parts will be used to replace obsolete equipment and repair installations at gas production stations of Dovletabatgazchykarysh department of the state concern in south-eastern Turkmenistan.

Azerbaijan has great potential to become a leader in the transition to a green economy - EBRD manager


Azerbaijan has great potential to become a leader in the transition to a “green” economy, since the government understands the possibilities of renewable energy sources and the importance of creating sustainable infrastructure, the head of the EBRD office in Azerbaijan Kamola Mahmudova said in an exclusive interview with Trend.

She noted that the current approach of Azerbaijan in this area is balanced, proactive and practical.

Zangazur Corridor – irreversible reality of South Caucasus, says Russian economist


Zangazur corridor is important for both Azerbaijan and Armenia, a Russian economist and the Head of New Society Institute Vasily Koltashov, stated.

According to Koltashov, the Zangazur corridor will allow Armenia to realize its potential in the transit economy. He notes that Armenia needs to activate and simplify economic ties with neighboring countries.

Azerbaijan’s Azercosmos, Belarusian Academy of Sciences sign co-op agreement


Azerbaijan’s Azercosmos OJSC and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of remote sensing services, the company reports.

The agreement envisions using images of the Azersky satellite by the academy in projects on agriculture, ecology, cartography, planning and monitoring of infrastructure, updating cadastral data, and determining tourist routes.

Azerbaijan negotiates with new European gas buyers amid energy crisis


After a sharp rise in fuel prices worldwide, new potential buyers of natural gas from Europe turned to Azerbaijan, Energy Minister of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov told Bloomberg.

According to Shahbazov, governments and companies in the east and south of Europe have expressed interest in buying gas from Azerbaijan.

Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Askar Mamin meets with European Commission’s Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis


Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Askar Mamin has met with Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for an Economy that Works for People, European Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, reports Kazinform.

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of cooperation between the European Union and the countries of Central Asia.
The Kyrgyz capital is preparing to host the first International Economic Forum “European Union - Central Asia” (EU-CA).

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