Three European TSOs join forces to accelerate clean hydrogen market


Three European transmission system operators, namely, Enagas of Spain, Snam of Italy and GRTgaz of France have inked an agreement to set up shared initiatives aimed at supporting and exploring projects to accelerate the clean hydrogen market, Trend reports with reference to Snam.

The three companies have joined the European Hydrogen Backbone Initiative. They will respectively invest 33 million euros in the Clean H2 Infra Fund in their role of anchor investors, for a cumulated investment of approx. 100 million euros.

Azerbaijan’s foreign trade relations with Uzbekistan developing dynamically – advisor to minister


Azerbaijan's foreign trade relations with Uzbekistan are developing dynamically, Advisor to the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Masim Mammadov said at the opening ceremony of the „Made in Uzbekistan“ exhibition.

Solar-powered drip irrigation system installed in Aghdam Industrial Park – Azerbaijani president’s special representative


Ministry of Economy has installed a solar-powered drip irrigation system in the forest belt of Aghdam Industrial Park, Trend reports on Dec. 12 referring to the special representative of the President of Azerbaijan in the liberated territories [which were liberated from Armenian occupation during the 2020 second Karabakh war] within the Karabakh economic region Emin Huseynov’s message on Twitter.

Irans President Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi hails gas swap-related talks with Turkmenistan


The Presidents of Iran and Turkmenistan emphasised the strengthening of border cooperation and facilitating trade, stressing the promotion of economic and trade cooperation to increase the level of relations between the two countries.

Turkey to open charter flights with Yerevan – Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu


Turkey to operate charter flights to the capital of Armenia, Yerevan, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said during his speech at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Trend reports.

„In the near future, Armenia and Turkey will appoint special representatives to take steps to normalize relations. We will also launch charter flights to the capital of Armenia, Yerevan“, noted Çavuşoğlu.

Swapping of Turkmen gas to Azerbaijan via Iran is strategic step – Iranian official


The contract on the swap of Turkmen gas to Azerbaijan through Iran is an important and a strategic step, Head of Vienna Energy Research Group in Austria Fereydoun Berkeshli told Shana News Agency, Trend reports.

According to him, if the contract is implemented and continued, it can create a roadmap for gas diplomacy in the region.

BTC celebrates 500 million tonnes of oil export


The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil export pipeline, operated by bp, has achieved a significant milestone by carrying 500 million tonnes of oil in total from the Sangachal terminal near Baku across Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey to Ceyhan, reports “bp”.

The milestone was achieved on 12 December when the 500 millionth tonne of Caspian crude flowed through the pipeline, was loaded on the 4922nd tanker named Nordorse, which was a joint SOCAR lifting, and departed for Trieste (Italy).

Kazakh economic growth accelerates to 3,8 %


Economic growth of Kazakhstan accelerated to 3.8% in January-November of this year, Kazinform correspondent reports.

At a government session, Asset Irgaliyev, Minister of National Economy, said that the Kazakh economy accelerated in January-November this year, growing by 3.8%. Higher rates of growth in the service sector, stable growth in the real sector, accelerating trade balance due to higher rates of export growth, greater investment activity in non-primary sectors were observed over the said period.

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