Armed militants attacked Almaty from three directions – Kazakh President


Armed militants attacked Almaty from three directions, Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said, Trend reports via Kazinform.

Tokayev made the statement speaking at an extraordinary session of the Collective Security Council of CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization).

Turkey to support Kazakhstan – Foreign Minister


Turkey will render support to Kazakhstan, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said, Trend reports referring to the Turkish media.

“We hope that Kazakhstan will soon achieve stability, peace and tranquility,” Cavusoglu said. ‘For this purpose, we will render support as Turkey itself and as a member-state of the Organization of Turkic States”.


Civilians killed in Kazakhstan as result of riots – President Tokayev


Сivilians were killed in Kazakhstan as a result of the riots, the exact number is being specified, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said during the CSTO meeting, Trend reports.

Some 16 law enforcement officers were killed, more than 1,300 were injured.


Over 1,500 persons detained in Kazakhstan for violating state of emergency


Over 1,500 people were have been detained in Kazakhstan for violation of the state of emergency, the operational headquarters said during a meeting held by the country’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Trend reports on Jan. 10.

The president was informed that law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces are taking active measures to further stabilize the situation in the country.

Police officers of Kazakhstan’s Nur-Sultan city inspect every yard and flat


Police officers of Kazakhstan’s Nur-Sultan city inspect every yard and flat, head of the police department of the capital of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Sadenov said, Interfax reports.

Sadenov said that the city is under full operational control, checkpoints continue to operate.

“Law and order” operational and preventive procedure is being carried out to find violators of public order,” head of the police department added. “Every yard and flat are being inspected.”

Online meeting of heads of CSTO member-states scheduled for January 10


An online conference of the heads of the member-states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) has been tentatively scheduled for January 10 to discuss the situation in Kazakhstan, the press service of the Armenian Prime Minister, CSTO acting chairman Nikol Pashinyan said, reports TASS.

„An online conference of the heads of the CSTO member-states has been tentatively scheduled for Jan. 10”, the press service stressed.

Unrest at Kazakhstan’s Tengiz oil and gas field stops


The unrest at the Tengiz oil and gas field has stopped in Kazakhstan, the salaries of rotational workers will be increased up to 50 percent, Trend reports with reference to the Association of Oil Service Companies of Kazakhstan.

“The road to the checkpoint is free,” the message said. “Food delivery has been resumed. The salaries of rotational workers involved in the Tengiz Future Growth Project will be increased by 50 percent”.

Turkey needs to return to Asia, but this does not mean that we will turn away from the West – Cavushoglu


Turkey needs to return to Asia, but this does not mean that we will turn our backs on the West, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavushoglu said.

Cavushoglu stressed that in addition to traditional threats, there are now epidemics, migration, climate change, cyber threats and asymmetric threats, the multilateral system has weakened and cannot respond to changes and transformations.

According to him, competition in the virtual environment, energy, technology and trade has increased.

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan transporting cargo along TRACECA corridor as usually


The cargo is transported and transited between Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan along the Europe-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) transport corridor as usually, Rufat Bayramov, Permanent Representative (National Secretary) of the Permanent Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA stated.

Bayramov said that cargo is transported both to Azerbaijan and from Azerbaijan to Kazakhstan by ferry and railway as usually.

Iran partially paying out compensations to relatives of 2020 Ukraine plane crash victims


Vice president for Flight Standards at Civil Aviation Organization of Iran Arash Khodaie has announced that a committee has been formed by the Ministry of Road and Urban Development to facilitate paying $150,000 to each of family of 176 victims of the Ukrainian plane crashed in Iran's airspace in 2020, Trend reports via IRNA.

Iran's cabinet of minister established a fixed amount of money to be paid to the relatives of each victim, regardless of their nationality.

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