“Such projects as TAP, IGB and IAP, form two important corridors: the Southern Energy Network from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans and Central Europe, and the vertical energy network from the Balkans to the rest of the continent. The implementation of these projects, which are either at the completion stage or at the planning stage, should be accelerated, ”said Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.
The implementation of the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP), Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) interconnector and Ionian-Adriatic pipeline (IAP) projects, that provide Azerbaijani gas to Europe, needs to be accelerated.
According to Trend.az, which refers to Greek media, the Greek Prime Minister - Kyriakos Mitsotakis said this on the sidelines of the fourth Thessaloniki summit.
“Such projects as TAP, IGB and IAP, form two important corridors: the Southern Energy Network from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans and Central Europe, and the vertical energy network from the Balkans to the rest of the continent. The implementation of these projects, which are either at the completion stage or at the planning stage, should be accelerated, ”said Prime Minister Mitsotakis.
In addition, the modernized liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Revithoussa (or Revithousa, or Revythousa, in the Gulf of Megara, west of Athens) and the project to create a LNG terminal in Alexandroupolis (Alexandroupoli), open up new prospects for energy cooperation in Southeast Europe, the Greek Prime Minister said.
The Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), worth 4.5 billion euros, is part of the “Southern Gas Corridor”.
The initial capacity of TAP will be 10 billion cubic meters of gas annually, with the potential to be doubled.
The IAP pipeline is scheduled to connect to the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), in the Albanian city of Fieri (Fier). IAP will secure the delivery of Azerbaijani gas to a number of Southeast European countries. The pipeline will cross Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and reach Croatia.
The IGB interconnector is a gas pipeline that will allow Bulgaria to receive Azerbaijani gas, in particular natural gas, obtained from the second stage of the “Shah Deniz” gas condensate field. IGB will connect with TAP, through which “Shah Deniz” will deliver natural gas to the European markets.
In the beginning, the pipeline will have a capacity of three billion cubic meters of gas, 2.7 billion cubic meters of which will be directed to long-term markets and the rest with a volume of 0.3 billion cubic meters - to the short-term markets.
Later, in the second stage, depending on the development of the market, the throughput of the pipeline may be increased to 5.3 billion cubic meters, thanks to an additional compressor station. 4.5 billion cubic meters will be targeted to the long-term markets and 0.5 billion cubic meters of gas - to the short-term markets.